If Symptoms Persist, Call A Senator
Dear Senator Doctor Frist:
As a tax-paying citizen at the third notch of the Bible Belt, I have a problem that can only be solved by a Senate Majority Leader with an M.D. I have very expensive, high-deductible health insurance, purchased in the consumer-driven marketplace of the ownership society, and I feel fortunate to have the minimal coverage it provides. I hesitate to make any claims under this insurance policy for fear that it will be nonrenewed. With your help, I hope to remain a profitable non-claim-filing customer of the health insurance industry.
My left elbow has been a source of physical pain for several weeks now. If I send you a picture of my elbow, will you render a diagnosis of the malady? I don’t expect you to call any special sessions of Congress, prescribe a treatment regimen, or provide any self-surgical instructions; just tell me if I should continue to take nourishment and hydrate myself. I’m guessing I fall somewhere between comatose and a vegetative state, but then again I do watch a lot of TV. I still respond to external stimulus, and I’ve been told my eyes brighten when a family member enters the room, but my elbow really, really hurts.
I understand you are on holiday recess now, and I have enough frozen pizza to get me through Easter. Please get back to me before I invest in another trip to the grocery store, though. I do not, under any circumstances, wish to sustain myself via any artificial means.
In spite of the fact that, for many of us, there is no longer a doctor in the house, I take great comfort in knowing that there is one in the Senate.
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your e-mail, and I look forward to reviewing and responding to it as soon as I can. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of mail I receive daily and the press of Senate business, your response may be regrettably delayed. In the meanwhile, you may find my website at http://frist.senate.gov to be helpful, as I endeavor to post my positions on most major policy issues there regularly along with other information of interest.
Again, thank you for contacting me and know that I always appreciate hearing from you!
William H. Frist, M.D.
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Doctor Bill probably appreciates hearing from some more than others, given the press of Senate business.
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